Thursday, November 20, 2008

Fuck, Marry, or Kill

Ok people we’re going to try this again. Last time I made the mistaken assumption that everybody knows how to play this game because how else do you waste your time when you’re waiting in line at the all you can eat buffet? So here’s how the game works: you are given the names of three people and you have to choose which one you want to fuck, which one you want to marry (it’s a sexless marriage by the way), and which one you would like to brutally kill. Oh, and you HAVE to choose. You can’t be all, “I can’t decide they’re all so hot!” or “I would kill myself before I fucked any of them!” No, no, those are not options. This week is the James Bond version. Girls, you have three James Bonds to make your decision:

Personally, I would fuck Daniel Craig because he’s got one hot bod. I love me some Pierce Brosnan so he’ll be my future hubby. And while I love Sean Connery’s accent and the way he treats Alex Trebek I’m going to have to kill him.

Boys, here’s your choice of Bond girls chosen solely on how ridiculous their names are:

Pussy Galore

And the only Bond girl James Bond himself married:


Anonymous said...

I know you said that we can't combine "fuck, marry, or kill" but I'm afraid that I would fuck Daniel Craig's brains out, effectively killing him. You see my dilemma, right?

Anonymous said...

um, what happened to Roger Moore? i don't even consider fugly pierce a REAL Bond... he's always been an Bond-Impersonator.
going on, i'd easily/happily kill Pierce "Never a Viable Bond" Brosnan.
i'd have to make love to Daniel Craig... because if we were to do it it would be sweet sweet love makin'
and i'd marry Sean Connery in a heartbeat... a young Sean Connery anyway, only in his Bond days.

Matt said...

Fuck- Teresa Di Vincenzo

Marry- Pussy Galore

kill- octopussy.

No reason why...just because.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Matt's choices entirely, unless there is an option for a marriage filled with sex and for fucking one of the women to death. Like in the bible.

Anonymous said...

Fuck Daniel, marry Pierce, and I guess I'll have to kill Sean. I didn't want to but there is no other way.

I like this game!

Rahul said...

I would sleep with all those chicks, because I'm a lover not a killer.

Oh I'm not talking about back then, I'm talking about today.

Anonymous said...

Kill Octopussy, fuck Pussy Galore (more than once), and marry the third one.

Anyone who can point a gun at me knows the way to my heart.

Andy said...

I'd do the same thing... Fuck Daniel Crai because he's awfully hot, marry Pierce Brosnan because he sings and kill Sean Connery because I have no other choice.

Pretty Unfamous said...

The only one I'd "do" is Pierce Brosnan. I actually can't stand Sean Connery.

Bayjb said...

Fuck - Daniel Craig (MEOW!)

Marry - Pierce Bronson

Kill - well by default it's Sean Connery. I feel bad about that one though

alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

marry - sean

kill - pierce

fuck - daniel, boy is he fuckable.

Heather said...

Ditto on your answer. For sure.

dmb5_libra said...

fuck - daniel everyday for the rest of my life.

marry - sean

kill - pierce

Kate said...

F- Daniel
M - Sean Connery. Can you imagine waking up to that voice?
K - Pierce. He's so arrogant.

Pam said...

It's my first visit to your blog and I love it!

I play this game ALL the time with my friends at work (on gchat, of course). It's a great way to kill time.

I would probably fuck Pierce, marry Sean Connery and kill Daniel. That's a tough one though.

Anonymous said...

Lol, I love this game!

However, I'd have to kill Daniel Craig. I hate him as James Bond.

Anonymous said...

I'd fuck the last one, marry the top one and kill the middle one - only because she looks scary in that picture.

So@24 said...

You didn't even list my favorite Bond girl!

Plenty O'Toole from Diamonds Are Forever.

She was in the film for about 5 mins before she was thrown off a balcony. But damn those were a great 5 mins

Jay Ferris said...

They're Bond girls... all disposable after a good fucking.

Anonymous said...

I think I'd have to fuck Daniel Craig because he is so delicious, marry Sean Connery because I love him, and kill Pierce Brosnon because he's boring compared to the other two...

Anonymous said...

this is officially my new favorite ame. ever.