Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Nude MILF Sweepstakes

I’m not sure if my three readers are aware of this, but there is an opportunity for you to win over $600 worth of prizes! There is, I swear. I would never lie to you. NEVER. Not only is there a chance for you to win some awesome prizes, but there’s a chance for you to see Crissy’s tig bitties. Once again I would never lie to you.

So here’s the dealio: if you’re not reading Crissy’s blog on a daily basis then you are not living life to the fullest. For example, today she wrote about poop, which is always funny. Right?! Anycrap, she is in the running for Hottest Mommy Blogger and she made the statement that if she won she would post nude pictures of herself and she is also not a liar so don’t think for a second that she won’t live up to her word.

Here’s where the prizes come in: in an effort to fix the contest, see nudie Crissy, and take down the man (aka Dooce), Stoogepie is offering the following prizes if you vote for Crissy: a camera with a case, a memory stick, photoshop, the novels Swollen and Upstream both written by the FAB Melissa Lion who will sign it with your own personalized message.

For more details please go to Stoogepie’s blog because I’m really too lazy to type out all the details, but if you’re not already convinced of the awesomeness of this then you are unbelievably lame and should probably look into doing something about that. Here’s a link directly to the page to vote for all you people who are as lazy as I am: http://www.bloggerschoiceawards.com/blogs/show/48355.

On top of all that if one of you readers win and say you saw the contest on my blog I can win a video camera! And you know what that means: Boring videos of me doing things like brushing my hair or solving a rubik’s cube or my mom on Thanksgiving trying to figure out to cook a turkey or me singing “I Touch Myself” at karaoke or the aftermath of me after I’ve had two bottles of wine – fun right?! YES!

So go out there people and vote your little asses off.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for pimpin sweetie!

Matt said...

been there, done that.

Anonymous said...

I voted! she better freakin win!!!

Anonymous said...

I am pretty lazy, but I might go vote.....video cameras are pretty awesome! Not that I would take the time to figure out how to use it, sooo go you!

Anonymous said...

I promise when I win the video camera that I will come take videos of you brushing our hair and your mom cooking the turkey. You can take pictures of me with your brand new camera. Hee!

Megkathleen said...

Kristen - How could I not?!

Matt - God, I know. So boring.

Maxie - Well, we'll know who didn't and we'll get our revenge. Mwahahaha.

Heather - You might get a pretty sweet camera out of the deal!

Dingo - Genius! I can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Holy crap! I'm on my way to enter right now!

Thanks for pimping!

Anonymous said...

You brushing your hair would be the best video ever! I hope you win.